About Adam

I'm now mostly retired from Drupal development. I still maintain a few Drupal modules, and do occasional consultancy work relating to them.

An avid programmer from the age 12 when he got a ZX Spectrum, Adam naturally ended up in a career as a software programmer. Working for a busy, successful software firm, he has worked with more languages and systems than he can remember, and has watched the internet change from being a playground for computer geeks to become a part of our everyday life. He went to a few yoga classes where time allowed, and found it helpful to relieve stress and tightness.

14 years on, Adam was gradually becoming drawn more strongly towards yoga based on the benefits to mind and body, and at the same time, less attracted to the stress and strong commercial focus of working for a big firm. In 2010, he finally took the plunge and gave up his job to retrain as a yoga teacher and Thai massage therapist. His passion for computers was still strong, so he split his time 50/50 between Drupal websites and Yoga.

Recently, Adam devoted himself full-time to yoga and massage, starting a retreat centre with his wife Rachael. He still maintains a few Drupal modules, and does occasional consultancy work relating to them.